As the winter weather fast approaches it is important to think about how to store and care for your garden furniture over the winter months. The way to care for your garden furniture depends entirely on what it is made from, as each material should be treated differently.
Aluminium is one of the most popular choices for garden furniture. This is due to the fact that when manufactured properly, aluminium furniture is completely weatherproof and does not rot or rust. It is able to withstand whatever the British weather throws at it. We suggest using a soft bristled brush to remove any leaves or dirt from the furniture and then leaving it to stand as a focal point in your garden throughout the winter months.
If your aluminium garden furniture is starting to look a bit weathered after many years of use, it might be a good idea to get your garden furniture restored ready for next year.

Wooden garden furniture is a high maintenance material, it required care and maintenance every year without fail. Wooden garden furniture is very susceptible to rain and can cause long term damage, so the best option is to store your furniture away from the, no doubt, wet British weather. Before doing this, we suggest cleaning and treating the furniture to preserve the finish.
Wrought Iron
It is no secret that iron and steel rust and rot very easily, therefore it is extremely important that it is stored away over winter or at least has a protective cover places over it. We suggest cleaning the outdoor furniture with soap and warm water before it is stored away to help keep it in tip top shape for the warmer months. if you do start to see any rust spots appearing, ensure you deal with these right away to stop them from getting any worse.
Rattan furniture is slightly more difficult to clean due to the woven design of the furniture. Start by using a vacuum to remove any dirt and debris from between the weave, then use a damp cloth to clean the surfaces. Rattan outdoor furniture should be stored indoors or at least have some form of protective covering.

Plastic furniture can start to look grubby very quickly and therefore needs to be kept looking clean, especially throughout the winter months. This can be easily achieved through pressure washing followed by using soapy water and a cloth. Due to plastic garden furniture being so light and moveable you need to consider how it will fair in the windy weather and if it needs to be stored somewhere it won’t blow away.
Despite outdoor fabrics being specifically treated to withstand the outside elements, they should be brought inside when not in use. This is especially important in the winter months. Check the instructions for care on your cushions, wash them accordingly and then store them indoors over winter. This way they will be fresh and ready to go when the warmer weather comes back around.

Taking good care of your garden furniture is important, no matter what it is made from. To ensure longevity, regular cleaning and storing indoors over the winter months is highly recommended.